Rations at Berlin Taste Festival

I am pleased to present Rations: my interactive game about food scarcity and sustainable resources at the Berlin Taste Festival June 1-10 at das Direktorenhaus in Berlin. The 10 day festival features the imaginations of a global array of food artists and designers. Visit the program so not to miss the interesting lineup of performances and workshops, like the  Guerilla Restaurant featuring, Sensuous food, Emotional Taste dinner by artist Ayako Suwa or the screening of the film Jiro Dreams of Sushi about a 85 year old sushi master in Tokyo, a secret garden culinary experience by Inés Lauber, and more from artists like Dutch food designer Marije Vogelzang.

Rations will be held on Sunday, June 10 17:00-19:00. There is no entrance fee to participate.  Das Direktorenhaus is located Am Krögel 10179 Berlin.